In 1519, Spanish conquistador

sailed to the Americas. He landed in
, where he made alliances with Aztec enemies. His alliances helped him conquer the powerful Aztec empire and take control of Mexico.

In 1519, the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés sailed to the Americas. To find out more about his journey, you can search for "Hernán Cortés voyage to the Americas." This will provide you with information regarding his expedition and the events that unfolded. Additionally, to learn about the location where Cortés landed, you can search for "Hernán Cortés landing site in the Americas." This will help you discover the specific place where Cortés first set foot in the New World. Lastly, to understand the alliances Cortés made with the Aztec enemies and how they helped him conquer the Aztec Empire, you can search for "Hernán Cortés alliances with Aztec enemies" or "Hernán Cortés conquest of the Aztec Empire." These searches will provide you with detailed accounts of the alliances formed and the strategies used by Cortés to achieve victory over the powerful Aztec civilization and establish Spanish control in Mexico.

In 1519, the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés sailed to the Americas. He landed in Veracruz, Mexico, where he made alliances with the enemies of the Aztec empire. These alliances proved instrumental in Cortés' conquest of the powerful Aztec empire and his subsequent control over Mexico.

The Spanish conquistador who sailed to the Americas in 1519 and conquered the Aztec empire with the help of alliances with Aztec enemies was Hernán Cortés. He landed in what is now known as Veracruz, Mexico.