3 examples of _______________ resources are wind, plants, and water.






I appreciate your response, but it seems like there might be some confusion. I understand that you are providing the category for the examples given, but I'm missing a word or phrase that best describes these examples. Could you please provide more context or information? That way, I can assist you better in finding a clear answer and explaining the process of determining it.

It seems like the missing word in the question is "renewable." Here are three examples of renewable resources:

1. Wind: Wind energy can be harnessed and converted into electricity using wind turbines. It is a clean and sustainable source of power.

2. Plants: Biomass, such as wood, crop residues, and agricultural waste, can be used as a renewable energy source. Biomass can be burned to produce heat or converted into biofuels.

3. Water: Hydroelectric power is generated by using the gravitational force of flowing or falling water. It is highly efficient and generates electricity through turbines in dams or rivers.

Therefore, the three examples of renewable resources are wind, plants, and water.