John McClellan was best known for what role in Arkansas politics?

A. He was a U.S. congressman and advocate for world peace.
B. He was a U.S. senator who challenged Senator McCarthy.
C. He was an Arkansas governor who advocated for civil rights.
D. He was a state senator who brought jobs to the state.

B. He was a U.S. senator who challenged Senator McCarthy.

To find out John McClellan's role in Arkansas politics, you can either search for his name on a search engine or look for reliable sources on Arkansas politics. Here, we will utilize a search engine to find the answer. Let's search for "John McClellan role Arkansas politics."

Upon searching, we find that John McClellan was a U.S. senator who served for over thirty years and played a significant role in Arkansas politics. He was known for his role in challenging Senator McCarthy during the Red Scare era. Therefore, the correct answer is option B: He was a U.S. senator who challenged Senator McCarthy.

John McClellan was best known for his role as a U.S. senator who challenged Senator McCarthy. Therefore, the correct answer is B. He was a U.S. senator who challenged Senator McCarthy.