How to investigate jobs and income.

To investigate jobs and income, you can follow these steps:

1. Conduct research on jobs and industries: Look up industries and companies that interest you to identify the types of jobs that are available.

2. Check job boards and websites: Use job search engines and websites like LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Indeed, and Monster to browse job postings, salaries, and required qualifications.

3. Network with professionals: Tap into your professional and personal network to learn more about potential job opportunities and to gain insights into specific industries.

4. Research job titles and salaries: Use resources such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics and PayScale to research the job titles and salaries for positions you're interested in.

5. Evaluate job offers: When you receive job offers, carefully evaluate the salary, benefits, and job responsibilities to ensure they match your expectations.

6. Consider earning potential: While starting salaries are important, it's also important to consider the earning potential of a job. Look at the potential for growth, promotions, and salary increases in the future.

By following these steps, you can investigate jobs and income to find a job that meets your needs and helps you achieve your career goals.