Glass and ________________ can be considered insulators.


d) air

Glass and air can be considered insulators.

The correct answer is (b) rubber.

To determine the insulating materials, we need to understand their properties. Insulators are materials that do not conduct electricity or heat very well. They are used to prevent the flow of current or heat from one object to another.

Let's go through the given options one by one:

(a) Glass: Glass is a good insulator and does not conduct electricity. It can also be used to prevent the flow of heat.

(b) Rubber: Rubber is an excellent insulator. It does not conduct electricity and is often used in electrical insulation such as in power cords and cables.

(c) Copper: Copper is not an insulator; it is a good conductor of electricity and heat. It is commonly used in electrical wiring and for its high thermal conductivity.

(d) Silk: Silk is not a good insulator. It is a natural fiber with good thermal conductivity, meaning it allows heat to flow through it.

So, the correct answer is (b) rubber, along with glass as an insulator for both electricity and heat.