What are all stages of Male Puberty?

Male puberty typically occurs between the ages of 9 to 14 years old and has several distinct stages. These stages include:

1. Testicular Growth: Testicles begin to grow larger and the scrotum starts to thin and darken.

2. Pubic Hair Growth: Hair appears on the top and base of the and spreads to the thighs and abdomen.

3. Growth: The gradually increases in length and girth.

4. Voice Changes: The voice becomes deeper as the larynx (voice box) enlarges.

5. Acne: Oil glands become more active, leading to acne in some boys.

6. Body Hair Growth: Hair grows under the arms and on the face and chest.

7. Muscle Growth: Muscles become larger and strength increases.

8. Facial Hair Growth: Facial hair grows thicker, often starting with a mustache and later developing into a beard.

9. Sperm Production: Testicles begin producing sperm, allowing for fertility.

These stages can often last several years, with individual variation in the age of onset and duration of each stage.