what new economic practice of the 1920s was credited with being responsible with people buying more?

The new economic practice of the 1920s that was credited with being responsible for people buying more is installment buying. Installment buying allowed consumers to buy products on credit and make small, regular payments over time instead of paying the full amount upfront. This made expensive items more affordable and accessible for the average person, leading to an increase in consumer spending and economic growth during the 1920s.

The new economic practice of the 1920s that was credited with being responsible for people buying more was consumer credit.

The new economic practice of the 1920s that was credited with being responsible for increased consumer spending was consumer credit. The availability of easy credit allowed people to purchase goods and services on installment plans, enabling them to buy more than they could afford to pay for upfront.

To find the answer to this question, you can start by researching the economic practices and trends of the 1920s. Some useful sources might include history books, academic articles, and reliable online resources. By exploring the economic climate of the time, you will come across the concept of consumer credit and its impact on purchasing habits.

Furthermore, you can delve into specific events and developments during the 1920s that influenced consumer behavior. Factors such as the rise of advertising and mass media, the growth of the automobile industry, and the emergence of new products and services all contributed to the increased demand for consumer credit.

By combining historical research with an understanding of economic principles, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of how the practice of consumer credit influenced people's buying habits during the 1920s.