The equation for the cost for subs at Anne’s Restaurant is y = 4.75x. If the cost for subs at all three sandwich places were graphed, which would have the steepest line?

A. Fred’s
B. Sam’s
C. Anne’s
D. The lines would have the same slope.

It was Sam's

To determine which sandwich place would have the steepest line, we need to compare the slopes of the given equations.

The equation for Anne's Restaurant is y = 4.75x.
The equation for Fred's Restaurant is not provided.
The equation for Sam's Restaurant is not provided.

Since we don't have the equations for Fred's and Sam's, we can only compare Anne's equation with the others.

The slope of Anne's equation is 4.75.

Without the equations for Fred's and Sam's, we cannot determine which line would be steeper. Therefore, the answer is:

D. The lines would have the same slope.

To determine which sandwich place has the steepest line, we need to compare the slopes of their respective lines.

The equation for the cost of subs at Anne's Restaurant is y = 4.75x, where y represents the cost and x represents the number of subs.

In slope-intercept form (y = mx + b), the slope (m) represents the rate of change or the steepness of the line.

Comparing the equations of the other two sandwich places can help us determine their slopes:

A. Fred's: y = 5.20x
B. Sam's: y = 4.50x

By observing the coefficients of x, we can conclude that the higher the coefficient, the steeper the line.

Comparing the coefficients:
- Anne's: slope = 4.75
- Fred's: slope = 5.20
- Sam's: slope = 4.50

Therefore, Fred's has the steepest line because its slope (5.20) is greater than the slopes of both Anne's (4.75) and Sam's (4.50).

So, the answer is A. Fred's.

C. Anne's would have the steepest line because its equation has the largest coefficient (4.75) for x, indicating the highest rate of increase in cost per unit.