Connections Academy 8th Grade

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1. What inspired the Boxer Rebellion?

A. the Open Door Policy
B. industrialization in japan
C. foreign influence in China ***
D. the overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani

2. Why was the American attack on Manila harbor in the Philippines important for a quick American victory in the Spanish-American War?

A. The United States relied on war supplies from Asia and securing the Philippines protected those.

B. The United States was able to crush the Spanish fleet in Manila, thereby making it a war in the Caribbean only. ***

C. The United States protected the Filipinos and they in turn came to the United States aid during the Spanish-American War.

D. The attack on Manila showed Spain that the United States was ready for war and the Spanish were intimidated by that power.

3. How did Taft's policy in Latin America differ from Roosevelt's approach?

A. It relied heavily on military intervention to maintain order.
B. It emphasized building economic ties rather than using military force. ***
C. It criticized imperialism and promoted peace throughout Latin America.
D. It established new economic opportunities by building the Panama Canal.

4. Which sentence best describes the battles that occurred during World War I?

A. They were long and deadly as a result of trench warfare. ***
B. They involved stalemates in which very little action occurred.
C. They were quick and highly destructive due to modern weapons.
D. They resulted in consistent victories for certain well-trained troops.

5. How did labor conditions change during World War I?

A. They worsened as fewer male workers were available.
B. They changed because more factory jobs were available.
C. They declined because union membership fell.
D. They changed as more women joined the workforce. ***

6. How did President Wilson's goals differ from those of other leaders at Versailles?

A. He wanted to punish Germany for the war.
B. He wanted to achieve peace without victory. ***
C. He wanted to acquire new colonial territory.
D. He wanted to reduce Germany's military power.

7. How did the Harlem Hellfighters contribute to the war effort?

A. They supported the Bolsheviks in Russia.
B. They fought bravely alongside French troops. ***
C. They formed an alliance with the Central Powers.
D. They single-handedly forced the Germans to retreat.

8. Which of the following were reasons for the high death toll caused by World War I? Select all that apply.

A. Trench warfare made battles long and nearly impossible to win. ***
B. Influenza spread across Europe and killed civilians and soldiers.
C. Soldiers began using poisonous gas during battles. ***
D. Troops did not have enough food supplies and often starved.

9. What did Rudyard Kipling define as "the white man's burden"?

A. an unfortunate history of racism tied to European cultures
B. a responsibility to liberate foreign nations from colonization
C. a duty to civilize foreigners with the spread of European culture ***
D. an increasing necessity to defend Western nations in military conflicts

1. C. foreign influence in China

2. B. The United States was able to crush the Spanish fleet in Manila, thereby making it a war in the Caribbean only.
3. B. It emphasized building economic ties rather than using military force.
4. A. They were long and deadly as a result of trench warfare.
5. D. They changed as more women joined the workforce.
6. B. He wanted to achieve peace without victory.
7. B. They fought bravely alongside French troops.
8. A. Trench warfare made battles long and nearly impossible to win. C. Soldiers began using poisonous gas during battles.
9. C. a duty to civilize foreigners with the spread of European culture

To get the answers to the questions, you can carefully read the provided information and choose the most accurate option based on your understanding. Here are the explanations for each question:

1. What inspired the Boxer Rebellion?
The correct answer is C. foreign influence in China. This can be determined by recognizing that the Boxer Rebellion involved Chinese nationalists who were angered by the presence and influence of foreign powers in China.

2. Why was the American attack on Manila harbor in the Philippines important for a quick American victory in the Spanish-American War?
The correct answer is B. The United States was able to crush the Spanish fleet in Manila, thereby making it a war in the Caribbean only. This can be determined by understanding that the attack on Manila weakened Spain's naval power in the Pacific and limited their ability to support their forces in the Caribbean.

3. How did Taft's policy in Latin America differ from Roosevelt's approach?
The correct answer is B. It emphasized building economic ties rather than using military force. This can be determined by comparing Taft's focus on economic development and investment in Latin America to Roosevelt's more interventionist approach.

4. Which sentence best describes the battles that occurred during World War I?
The correct answer is A. They were long and deadly as a result of trench warfare. This can be determined by recognizing that trench warfare was a significant factor in the length and high casualties of battles during World War I.

5. How did labor conditions change during World War I?
The correct answer is D. They changed as more women joined the workforce. This can be determined by understanding that the shortage of male workers during the war led to increased opportunities for women in the workforce.

6. How did President Wilson's goals differ from those of other leaders at Versailles?
The correct answer is B. He wanted to achieve peace without victory. This can be determined by understanding that Wilson advocated for a fair and just peace settlement that did not seek to punish Germany or impose harsh terms.

7. How did the Harlem Hellfighters contribute to the war effort?
The correct answer is B. They fought bravely alongside French troops. This can be determined by recognizing that the Harlem Hellfighters were an African American infantry unit that served with distinction in the war and earned the respect of their French allies.

8. Which of the following were reasons for the high death toll caused by World War I? Select all that apply.
The correct answers are A. Trench warfare made battles long and nearly impossible to win, C. Soldiers began using poisonous gas during battles. These can be determined by understanding the impact of trench warfare and the introduction of new technologies, such as gas, that increased casualties.

9. What did Rudyard Kipling define as "the white man's burden"?
The correct answer is C. a duty to civilize foreigners with the spread of European culture. This can be determined by recognizing that Kipling's concept of the "white man's burden" referred to the belief that European powers had a responsibility to bring civilization and progress to other cultures and nations.

1. C. foreign influence in China.

2. B. The United States was able to crush the Spanish fleet in Manila, thereby making it a war in the Caribbean only.

3. B. It emphasized building economic ties rather than using military force.

4. A. They were long and deadly as a result of trench warfare.

5. D. They changed as more women joined the workforce.

6. B. He wanted to achieve peace without victory.

7. B. They fought bravely alongside French troops.

8. A. Trench warfare made battles long and nearly impossible to win.
C. Soldiers began using poisonous gas during battles.

9. C. a duty to civilize foreigners with the spread of European culture.