Which is the best description of radiation?(1 point)


transfer of thermal energy between two substances that are touching
transfer of thermal energy between two substances that are touching

transfer of thermal energy within a gas
transfer of thermal energy within a gas

transfer of thermal energy within a liquid
transfer of thermal energy within a liquid

transfer of thermal energy through infrared waves

transfer of thermal energy through infrared waves

The best description of radiation is the transfer of thermal energy through infrared waves. This is because radiation refers to the emission of electromagnetic waves, specifically in the form of infrared radiation, that transport thermal energy. To arrive at this conclusion, you can eliminate the other options by understanding their definitions.

The first option describes conduction, which is the transfer of thermal energy between substances that are in direct contact with each other. Conduction occurs through molecular collisions within solids, liquids, and gases, but not through radiation.

The second option describes convection, which is the transfer of thermal energy within a gas or liquid through the movement of the medium itself. This occurs as warmer portions of the medium rise and cooler portions sink, creating a cycle of energy transfer. However, this does not involve radiation.

The third option also describes convection, but specifically within a liquid. Again, this is not radiation.

Therefore, the only remaining option is that radiation involves the transfer of thermal energy through infrared waves.

The best description of radiation is:

Transfer of thermal energy through infrared waves.