A student makes a list of all the soil layers in a temperate region. Which layer would be located farthest from the surface of the Earth?(1 point)


topsoil (A)
topsoil (A)

bedrock (R)
bedrock (R)

organic layer (O)
organic layer (O)

parent material (C)

The layer located farthest from the surface of the Earth would be bedrock (R).

The layer that would be located farthest from the surface of the Earth in a temperate region is the bedrock (R).

To determine which layer would be located farthest from the surface of the Earth in a temperate region, we need to understand the order and composition of the different soil layers.

Soil layers are classified into horizons, and they are typically labeled using a system of letters. The most common classification includes the following horizons:

1. O Horizon (Organic layer): This is the topmost layer, consisting of decomposed organic material like leaves, twigs, and dead organisms. This layer is usually relatively thin and rich in organic matter.

2. A Horizon (Topsoil): This is the layer below the organic layer and is often referred to as topsoil. It contains a mixture of organic material and minerals, and it is the most fertile layer for plant growth.

3. E Horizon (Eluviation layer): This layer is often absent or thin and is characterized by leaching of minerals and organic matter due to water movement downward.

4. B Horizon (Subsoil): This layer accumulates minerals and nutrients leached from the A and E horizons. It often has a clay-rich composition and may have a reddish or brown color.

5. C Horizon (Parent material): This layer is composed of partially weathered rock fragments, and it provides the basis for the development of the upper soil layers. It can include materials like gravel, sand, silt, clay, or various combinations.

6. R Horizon (Bedrock): This is the deepest layer, consisting of unweathered rock. It is located beneath the parent material and represents the solid, underlying rock of the Earth's crust.

Based on this information, we can conclude that the layer located farthest from the surface of the Earth in a temperate region would be the R Horizon, which is the bedrock. It is located beneath all the other soil layers and represents the solid rock that forms the Earth's crust.