List several ways modern traders can cross the Sahara today.

Modern traders can cross the Sahara today in several ways, including:

1. Using trucks or vans: Trucks and vans are commonly used to transport goods across the desert. These vehicles are equipped to handle the rough terrain and can carry large quantities of goods.

2. Camels and caravans: Although not as common as they once were, camels and caravans are still used to transport goods across the Sahara. This method is suited for smaller quantities of goods and can take longer than other methods.

3. Air transport: Cargo planes and helicopters are also used to transport goods across the Sahara. This is more expensive than other methods but is faster and can be more efficient for time-sensitive goods.

4. Railways: Some parts of the Sahara have railway infrastructure that connects different regions. Goods can be transported on freight trains.

5. Pipelines: For the transportation of liquids, pipelines are used to cross the desert. These pipelines transport oil, gas, and other liquids to different locations.