Reason for international migration

There are several reasons why people migrate to other countries, and population growth can be one of them. Here are some of the reasons for international migration:

- Economic reasons: People may migrate to other countries to find better job opportunities, higher wages, and better living conditions. This is particularly true for developing countries where economic opportunities are scarce.

- Political reasons: People may migrate to other countries to escape political persecution, war, conflict, or other forms of violence. This is often referred to as forced migration.

- Family reunification: People may migrate to other countries to reunite with family members who are already living there.

- Education: People may migrate to other countries to pursue higher education or training opportunities that are not available in their home country.

- Environmental reasons: People may migrate to other countries due to natural disasters, climate change, or environmental degradation.

Overall, population growth can put pressure on resources and infrastructure in some countries, leading people to migrate in search of better opportunities elsewhere.