What are ethical and aesthetic services?(1 point)


the material benefits that humans receive from ecosystems
the material benefits that humans receive from ecosystems

the nonmaterial benefits that humans receive from ecosystems
the nonmaterial benefits that humans receive from ecosystems

the products that humans obtain from the ecosystem that they can use
the products that humans obtain from the ecosystem that they can use

the contributions of ecosystems that benefit human survival and well-being

the contributions of ecosystems that benefit human survival and well-being, with ethical services referring to the moral and just treatment of ecosystems and their inhabitants, and aesthetic services referring to the beauty and cultural values associated with ecosystems.

To answer this question and distinguish between ethical and aesthetic services, we need to understand their definitions and characteristics.

Ethical services refer to the contributions of ecosystems that benefit human survival and well-being. These services can include the regulation of climate, water purification, nutrient cycling, and pollination, among others. Ethical services are vital for our health, livelihoods, and overall quality of life. To find specific examples of ethical services, you can explore research articles, scientific publications, or reports from organizations that focus on ecosystem services or environmental conservation.

On the other hand, aesthetic services are the nonmaterial benefits that humans receive from ecosystems. These services are related to the cultural and emotional connections that people have with nature. Examples of aesthetic services include recreational activities (such as hiking or birdwatching), the enjoyment of scenic landscapes, the inspiration drawn from biodiversity, and the cultural significance of ecosystems for certain indigenous communities. To find more information about aesthetic services, you can look at studies on environmental psychology, cultural anthropology, or nature conservation literature.

In conclusion, ethical services are the material benefits humans receive from ecosystems that contribute to their survival and well-being, while aesthetic services are the nonmaterial benefits related to the cultural and emotional connections humans have with nature.

Ethical and aesthetic services refer to the nonmaterial benefits that humans receive from ecosystems. These services include the contributions of ecosystems that benefit human survival and well-being, such as the beauty and enjoyment of natural landscapes, cultural values, spiritual connections, and recreational opportunities. These services are distinct from the material benefits that humans obtain from ecosystems, such as the products that can be extracted and used from the ecosystem.

What are ethical and aesthetic services?