In one or two sentences, choose an ecosystem and describe a food chain within that ecosystem, giving examples of producers and consumers. (2 points)

In a marine ecosystem, the food chain could start with phytoplankton as the producer, which is then consumed by zooplankton, small fish, bigger fish, and eventually a predator such as a shark or killer whale. Example of producer: Phytoplankton. Example of consumers: Zooplankton, small fish, bigger fish and predator like a shark.

One example of an ecosystem is a forest. In this ecosystem, the food chain could start with producers like plants and trees, which are consumed by primary consumers like deer or rabbits, which are in turn consumed by secondary consumers such as wolves or foxes.

One example of an ecosystem is a forest. In this ecosystem, a food chain could consist of trees (producers), eaten by herbivores such as deer (primary consumers), which are then eaten by predators such as wolves (secondary consumers).