Vivian and tope share a sum of 15000.00 in the ratio 5:3. Find the amount Vivian received

To find the amount of money Vivian received, we need to first find the total of the ratio (5+3=8), and then divide the total amount by that ratio:

Amount Vivian received:
5/8 x 15000.00 = $9375.00

Therefore, Vivian received $9375.00.

To find the amount Vivian received, we need to calculate the ratio between Vivian and Tope's share.

Step 1: Add the ratio numbers (5 + 3) to get the total number of parts: 5 + 3 = 8.

Step 2: Divide the total sum of money (15000.00) by the total number of parts (8) to determine the value of one part: 15000.00 ÷ 8 = 1875.00.

Step 3: Multiply the value of one part (1875.00) by the ratio number assigned to Vivian (5) to find the amount Vivian received: 1875.00 × 5 = 9375.00.

Therefore, Vivian received 9375.00.

To find the amount Vivian received, we need to calculate the value of one part of the ratio.

The total ratio is 5 + 3 = 8.

To find the value of one part, we divide the total amount shared (15000.00) by the total ratio (8):

15000.00 / 8 = 1875.00

So, one part of the ratio is equal to 1875.00.

Since Vivian's ratio is 5 out of 8, we multiply one part by the number of parts Vivian has:

1875.00 x 5 = 9375.00

Therefore, Vivian received 9375.00.