Eight wooden poles are to be used for pillars and the length of the poles form an A.p.if the 2nd pole is 2m and the 6th pole is 5m.Gibe the length of the poles in order

Let the first pole be 'a' and the common difference be 'd'.

According to the given information,
2nd pole = a + d = 2m
6th pole = a + 5d = 5m

Subtracting the first equation from the second, we get:
4d = 3
d = 3/4

Substituting d in the first equation:
a + 3/4 = 2
a = 5/4

Hence, the length of the 8 wooden poles in order would be:
5/4m, 2m, 9/4m, 3m, 11/4m, 5m, 13/4m, 7m