Which group includes only bipedal animals?

lesser apes

B) Hominins. Hominins are a group of primates that includes humans and their closest bipedal relatives that arose after the split from chimpanzees.


The correct answer is b) hominins. Hominins are a group that includes only bipedal animals, specifically referring to humans and our extinct human ancestors. Primates (a) includes a wide range of animals, including both bipedal and quadrupedal species. Lesser apes (c) refer to a specific group of primates that are smaller in size and include species such as gibbons. Hominids (d) is a broader term that includes both bipedal and non-bipedal members, such as humans, great apes, and their ancestors.

The correct answer is "b. hominins."

To get the answer, let's break down the options:

a. primates: The order of primates includes various groups of animals such as monkeys, apes, and humans. While some primates like humans are bipedal, there are also many quadrupedal primates, so this option does not exclusively include bipedal animals.

b. hominins: Hominins are a subgroup of primates that include humans and our closest ancestors. What distinguishes hominins is their bipedal locomotion, which means they walk on two legs. So, this group exclusively includes bipedal animals.

c. lesser apes: Lesser apes, also known as gibbons and siamangs, are a family of primates. However, they are arboreal and exhibit brachiation, which involves swinging from trees using their arms, so they are not exclusively bipedal.

d. hominids: Hominids are a broader group that includes both humans and great apes like chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans. While humans are bipedal, not all hominids are, so this group does not exclusively consist of bipedal animals.

Therefore, the correct answer is "b. hominins" as it specifically represents bipedal animals.