Cookie A – Cookies per Cup of Sugar

Cups Cookies
2 80
3 120
4 160
An illustration shows Quadrant 1 of a coordinate plane. The x-axis is labeled Cups and ranges from 0 to 6 in one unit increments. The y-axis is labeled Cookies and ranges from 0 to 192 in 12 unit increments. The graph is titled Cookies per Cup of Sugar. A line connects six points plotted on the graph. The coordinates of the plotted points are left parenthesis 0 comma 0 right parenthesis, left parenthesis 1 comma 36 right parenthesis, left parenthesis 2 comma 72 right parenthesis, left parenthesis 3 comma 108 right parenthesis, left parenthesis 4 comma 144 right parenthesis, and left parenthesis 5 comma 180 right parenthesis. An upward arrow points to 1 on the x-axis.

The yields of cookies per cup of sugar for Cookie A and Cookie B are displayed in the table and the graph. Find the cookie that yields the most cookies from one cup of sugar. How many cookies does Cookie A and Cookie B make from one cup of sugar?

(1 point)

Cookie B makes more cookies than Cookie A. Cookie B makes 40 cookies, and Cookie A makes 36 cookies from one cup of sugar.
Cookie B makes more cookies than Cookie A. Cookie B makes 40 cookies, and Cookie A makes 36 cookies from one cup of sugar.

Cookie A makes more cookies than Cookie B from one cup of sugar. Cookie A makes 80 cookies, and Cookie B makes 36 cookies from one cup of sugar.
Cookie A makes more cookies than Cookie B from one cup of sugar. Cookie A makes 80 cookies, and Cookie B makes 36 cookies from one cup of sugar.

Cookie A makes more cookies than Cookie B from one cup of sugar. Cookie A makes 40 cookies, and Cookie B makes 36 cookies from one cup of sugar.
Cookie A makes more cookies than Cookie B from one cup of sugar. Cookie A makes 40 cookies, and Cookie B makes 36 cookies from one cup of sugar.

Cookie B makes more cookies than Cookie A. Cookie B makes 72 cookies, and Cookie A makes 40 cookies.
Cookie B makes more cookies than Cookie A. Cookie B makes 72 cookies, and Cookie A makes 40 cookies.

To find the cookie that yields the most cookies from one cup of sugar, we need to compare the values of Cookie A and Cookie B.

Looking at the table and the graph, we can see that the coordinates for Cookie A are (2, 80), (3, 120), and (4, 160). The coordinates for Cookie B are not provided in the given information.

Since Cookie A is the only one with values provided, we can conclude that Cookie A makes more cookies than Cookie B from one cup of sugar.

From the given information, Cookie A makes 80 cookies from one cup of sugar.

To find the cookie that yields the most cookies from one cup of sugar, we need to look at the graph provided.

On the x-axis, we have the number of cups of sugar, ranging from 0 to 6. On the y-axis, we have the number of cookies, ranging from 0 to 192.

Looking at the coordinates of the plotted points, we can see that the line connecting them represents the number of cookies per cup of sugar.

To find the number of cookies each cookie makes from one cup of sugar, we need to find the point on the graph where the line intersects the x-axis at 1 (as indicated by the upward arrow).

Looking at the graph, we can see that the line intersects the x-axis at the point (1, 36).

Therefore, Cookie A makes 36 cookies from one cup of sugar.

Based on the information provided, we can conclude that Cookie B makes more cookies than Cookie A. However, the number of cookies Cookie B makes from one cup of sugar is not specified in the given information. Therefore, we cannot determine the exact number of cookies Cookie B makes from one cup of sugar.

Looking at the graph and table provided, we can see that the yields for both cookies per cup of sugar are:

- Cookie A: 36 cookies for 2 cups of sugar
- Cookie B: 40 cookies for 2 cups of sugar

Therefore, Cookie B yields more cookies from one cup of sugar than Cookie A. Cookie B makes 20% more cookies than Cookie A per cup of sugar. Specifically:

- Cookie A makes 18 cookies per cup of sugar (based on the information from the table)
- Cookie B makes 20 cookies per cup of sugar (based on the graph and table)

So, the answer is: Cookie B makes more cookies than Cookie A, and Cookie B makes 20 cookies while Cookie A makes 18 cookies, from one cup of sugar.