The skeletal system is created to ____________ internal organs.

• protect
• maintain
• support
• hide

The skeletal system is created to protect internal organs.

The skeletal system is created to protect internal organs.

The skeletal system is created to protect internal organs. To verify this, one can refer to any anatomy textbook or reliable online source to find information about the functions of the skeletal system. Additionally, one can also consult a biology teacher or professor for more information. Let's briefly discuss each option:

1. Protect: The skeletal system forms a strong framework of bones that surround and protect delicate internal organs, such as the brain, heart, and lungs, from injury or damage.
2. Maintain: While the skeletal system does help maintain the overall structure and shape of the body, its primary function is not specifically related to maintenance.
3. Support: This is the correct option. The skeletal system provides structural support to the body and gives it its shape. It acts as a framework, supporting the weight of the body and providing support for muscles and organs.
4. Hide: The skeletal system is not created to hide internal organs. It is more concerned with protection and support rather than hiding organs.

Therefore, the correct answer is "protect." The skeletal system is created to protect internal organs from injury.