Why did the Soviet Union want to prevent a united West Berlin?

It would allow West Germans to freely enter East Germany.

It would be considered a threat to the Soviet Union.

It would draw valuable natural resources.

It would make West Berlin much bigger than East Berlin.

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B. It would be considered a threat to the Soviet Union.

The correct answer is B. The Soviet Union wanted to prevent a united West Berlin because they considered it to be a threat to their influence and control in East Germany. West Berlin, which was under the control of the Western Allies (United States, United Kingdom, and France), was seen as a symbol of capitalist democracy and a showcase of Western values right at the doorstep of East Germany, which was under Soviet influence. The Soviets feared that a united West Berlin could serve as a base for subversion and potential aggression against the Soviet-backed regime in East Germany. They were particularly concerned about the possibility of West Berlin becoming a center of recruitment for spies, dissidents, and potential military actions against the Soviet Union.

To arrive at this answer, it is important to understand the historical context and the geopolitical rivalry between the Soviet Union and the Western Allies during the Cold War. The division of Berlin into East and West was a result of the post-World War II partitioning of Germany between the victorious powers. The Western Allies controlled West Berlin, while the Soviet Union controlled East Berlin and the rest of East Germany. The ideological differences and geopolitical tensions between the two sides made a united West Berlin an unacceptable prospect for the Soviet Union. Researching the historical events, policies, and motivations of the Soviet Union during the Cold War would provide a more comprehensive understanding of their perspective and actions.