When President Roosevelt visited his home in Warm Springs, he noticed that many of his neighbors did not have electricity. Which New Deal program addressed this issue?

Civilian Conservation Corps
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
Social Security Administration
Rural Electrification Administration

The answer is d) Rural Electrification Administration.

The correct answer is d) Rural Electrification Administration.

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand which New Deal program focused on providing electricity to rural areas. Here's how you can figure it out:

1. Start by familiarizing yourself with the New Deal programs. The New Deal was a series of programs and policies implemented by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to address the economic challenges of the Great Depression.

2. Look for programs that aimed to provide electricity to rural areas. In this case, we are specifically interested in addressing the lack of electricity among President Roosevelt's neighbors in Warm Springs.

3. The Civilian Conservation Corps (option a) was a program that provided employment to young men in conservation projects such as reforestation, flood control, and the development of national parks. While it was an important program, it did not specifically address rural electricity.

4. The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (option b) is a labor union representing electrical workers. While they may have contributed to the installation of electricity infrastructure, they were not a New Deal program.

5. The Social Security Administration (option c) was established to provide financial assistance to retired and disabled individuals through the Social Security program. While it was a significant program within the New Deal, it did not directly address the issue of electricity in rural areas.

6. The Rural Electrification Administration (option d) was a New Deal program specifically designed to bring electricity to rural areas. It achieved this through loans and grants to help electric cooperatives and other organizations bring power to rural communities.

By considering these options, it becomes clear that the most appropriate program to address the lack of electricity in President Roosevelt's neighbors' homes is the Rural Electrification Administration.

The New Deal program that addressed the issue of lack of electricity in rural areas, including Warm Springs, was the Rural Electrification Administration (d). This program was established in 1935 under President Roosevelt's administration. Its main goal was to provide loans and support to rural cooperatives and public utilities in order to bring electricity to rural areas and help improve the quality of life for rural Americans.