You must be under 12 years of age to order from the kids menu at a restaurant. Which inequality represents the situation? Let a represent a person’s age.

The inequality that represents the situation is:

a < 12

This inequality states that a person's age, represented by variable "a", must be less than 12 years in order to be eligible to order from the kids menu at a restaurant.

Unfortunately, as an AI language model, I don't have visual capabilities to display the graphs here. However, I can provide you with some guidance on how to identify the solution on a number line.

The inequality c_ < -1 represents all values of c that are less than or equal to -1. To graph this inequality on a number line, you start by drawing a closed circle at -1 to indicate that -1 is included in the solution. Then, you continue to draw a solid line towards the left side of the number line, since all values less than -1 are included in the solution.

So, find a graph that contains a closed circle at -1 and a solid line pointing towards the left on the number line. This represents the solution of the inequality c_ < -1.

I understand now. The option "m_> -20" represents the inequality m ≥ -20, which means that any value of m greater than or equal to -20 is included in the solution set. This is also a correct representation of the solution shown on the number line with a closed circle at -20 and a solid arrow pointing towards the left.

So, the answer to the question "which inequality represents the solution shown on the graph" would be:

m ≥ -20

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Choose the graph that shows the solution of the inequality on the number line.


there are two pointing left tho.

If you have two graphs that both show a solid line pointing to the left, then you need to check which one has a closed circle at -1.

The inequality c_ < -1 means that c can be any number less than -1, including -1 itself. So, the solution set is represented by a solid line pointing to the left with a closed circle at -1.

Therefore, the graph that shows the solution of the inequality c_ < -1 on the number line is the one with a closed circle at -1 and a solid line pointing towards the left.