Which ecosystem is most resilient to change due to its high diversity?(1 point)


stormwater pond
stormwater pond

mountain meadow
mountain meadow

arctic tundra
arctic tundra

Amazon rainforest
Amazon rainforest

1. Amazon rainforest

2. Mountain lion
3. Ecosystem diversity
4. Desert

Hope this helps!

- Amy ^v^

Amazon rainforest.

The ecosystem that is most resilient to change due to its high diversity is the Amazon rainforest. To determine this, we can look at the characteristics and features of each ecosystem and assess their resilience to change.

1. Stormwater Pond: Stormwater ponds are man-made structures designed to collect and treat rainwater runoff. While they can provide habitat for some aquatic plants and animals, their diversity overall tends to be low. They are typically shallow and nutrient-rich, which limits the number of species that can thrive in such conditions. Therefore, stormwater ponds are less likely to be highly resilient to change.

2. Mountain Meadow: Mountain meadows are high-altitude grasslands found in mountainous regions. They can support a diverse array of plant and animal species due to their moderate temperatures and abundant rainfall. However, compared to other ecosystems, mountain meadows have a more limited range of species and habitat diversity. They are susceptible to disturbances such as avalanches, landslides, and grazing. While they can recover from certain types of disturbances, their resilience to widespread and rapid changes may be lower.

3. Arctic Tundra: The arctic tundra is a vast expanse of treeless land found in extremely cold regions, mostly in the Northern Hemisphere. Despite its challenging conditions, the tundra hosts a diversity of plant and animal species adapted to survive in its unique environment. However, the harsh climate and limited resources make the tundra more vulnerable to change. Even small alterations in temperature or precipitation patterns can have significant impacts on tundra ecosystems, resulting in shifts in species composition and overall biodiversity.

4. Amazon Rainforest: The Amazon rainforest is renowned for its exceptional biodiversity, with an estimated 16,000 tree species and countless other plants, animals, and microorganisms. It spans across nine countries in South America and covers a vast area. The rainforest's immense variety of habitats, from dense canopies to freshwater rivers and flooded forests, provides niches for a wide range of organisms with specialized adaptations. This high diversity contributes to the rainforest's resilience, enabling it to withstand natural disturbances like storms or droughts. Additionally, the interconnectedness of species within the Amazon rainforest creates a web of ecological relationships that promotes stability and adaptability to changing conditions.

In conclusion, the Amazon rainforest demonstrates the highest diversity among the mentioned ecosystems and is considered the most resilient to change due to its high biodiversity. Its complex and interconnected ecosystems allow it to better withstand and recover from disturbances, making it a critical and unique habitat on Earth.

5. Coral reef

6. Arctic tundra
7. African savanna
8. Tropical rainforest

Let me know if you need any more!

- Mia