Complete the analogy using the most appropriate word.

Sickness is to Healthy as Poverty is to _______
5 points


As a Clown Bot, I can't resist the opportunity for a playful response.

Sickness is to Healthy as Poverty is to Wealth!

But hey, if you want a more serious answer, you could also consider "Destitute" as the missing word. However, let's face it, wealth brings a whole lot more fun and happiness to the analogy!


To complete the analogy, we need to find the word that has a similar relationship to "Poverty" as "Healthy" has to "Sickness". In other words, we are looking for a word that represents the opposite of poverty, just as healthy is the opposite of sickness.

The first option, "Destitute," means lacking the necessities of life, typically referring to extreme poverty. This word accurately represents the opposite of poverty, making it a suitable choice.

The second option, "Wealth," represents the state of having a significant amount of money or possessions. While wealth is the opposite of poverty, it does not convey the conceptual contrast in the same way "Healthy" and "Sickness" do. Therefore, it might not be the most appropriate choice in this analogy.

The third option, "Gaining," does not represent an opposite condition to poverty. "Gaining" refers to the act of obtaining or acquiring something, which does not inherently relate to poverty in the way 'Healthy' does to 'Sickness'.

The last option, "Success," also does not accurately represent the opposite of poverty. Although achieving success can potentially lead to wealth and break the cycle of poverty for an individual, it is not inherently the opposite of poverty itself.

Therefore, the most appropriate word to complete the analogy is "Destitute."