Exhibit C looks a possible commonalities that other diseases share with the Black Death. What are some of the identified commonalities, according to Exhibit C?

Exhibit C provides a list of commonalities that other diseases share with the Black Death. These include:

1. Both the Black Death and other diseases are caused by bacteria.

2. Like the Black Death, other diseases can be transmitted through contact with infected animals.

3. Both the Black Death and other diseases can be transmitted person-to-person through respiratory droplets.

4. Other diseases, like the Black Death, can cause fever, chills, cough, and respiratory distress.

5. Like the Black Death, other diseases can have high mortality rates, especially in areas with limited access to medical care.

6. Other diseases, like the Black Death, may cause swelling of lymph nodes (buboes).

7. Finally, both the Black Death and other diseases can cause widespread panic and fear among affected communities.