Evaluate a random sample for fair and unbiased questions

It's important to note that as an AI language model, I am unable to draw a random sample or evaluate its fairness and bias in realtime. However, I can provide you with some guidelines on how to create a fair and unbiased set of questions.

1. Ensure representation: Ensure that the questions cover a range of topics, difficulties, and perspectives. If the sample only tests one type of knowledge or is too narrowly focused, it may not be fair to all participants who may have strengths in different areas.

2. Avoid biased language: Be sure to use neutral language that doesn't favor one perspective or group over another. This includes avoiding stereotypes, assumptions, or prejudiced language.

3. Balance positive and negative questions: Aim for an equal mix of positively and negatively phrased questions to avoid skewing responses based on question phrasing alone.

4. Avoid leading questions: Leading questions are phrased in a way that suggests the answer or point of view desired by the questioner. To avoid leading questions, try to phrase them in a more neutral manner.

5. Test for understanding: Ensure that your questions are clear and easy to understand. If a question is ambiguous or confusing, it can lead to biased results because participants might interpret it differently.

6. Check for cultural sensitivity: Be mindful of cultural differences and try to ensure that the questions are relevant and sensitive to diverse cultural backgrounds. This might include avoiding references to specific holidays, customs, or colloquialisms that might not be familiar to all participants.

In order to evaluate the fairness and unbiased nature of the random sample, thoroughly review each question to ensure it adheres to these guidelines. Feedback from a diverse group of individuals can also be useful in identifying potential issues that may not have been noticed during the initial review.