In one to two sentences, explain the difference between an author’s purpose and an author’s perspective.(2 points)

An author's purpose is their reason for writing a text, while an author's perspective refers to the lens or viewpoint they use to present ideas in their writing.

An author's purpose refers to the reason why they write a particular piece, such as to inform, persuade, or entertain, while an author's perspective refers to their personal viewpoint or opinion on a subject, which can influence the way they present information or their overall message.

An author's purpose refers to their intention or reason for writing a piece, such as to inform, entertain, persuade, or express personal feelings, while an author's perspective is their unique point of view or stance on a particular topic or issue that shapes the way they write and present information. To determine an author's purpose, analyze the language and tone used, while to discern an author's perspective, consider their background, beliefs, and biases.