The surface area of a cube is 24cm^2. Find the length of the sides.

The surface area of a cube is given by the formula:

Surface Area = 6s^2

where S is the length of the sides of the cube.

We are given that the surface area of the cube is 24cm².

Therefore, we can write:

6s² = 24cm²

Dividing both sides by 6, we get:

s² = 4cm²

Taking the square root of both sides, we get:

s = 2cm

Therefore, the length of each side of the cube is 2cm.

To find the length of the sides of a cube when the surface area is given, follow these steps:

Step 1: Recall the formula for the surface area of a cube: SA = 6s^2, where s is the length of each side.

Step 2: Substitute the given surface area into the formula: 24cm^2 = 6s^2.

Step 3: Divide both sides of the equation by 6: 24cm^2 / 6 = s^2.

Step 4: Simplify: 4cm^2 = s^2.

Step 5: Take the square root of both sides to solve for s: √(4cm^2) = √(s^2).

Step 6: Simplify: 2cm = s.

Therefore, the length of each side of the cube is 2cm.