Which of the following directly caused France, Germany, and Russia to get involved in World War I?

A. unrestricted submarine warfare
food shortages

C. the alliance system
D. economic problems

C. The alliance system directly caused France, Germany, and Russia to get involved in World War I.

are you sure

The correct answer is C. the alliance system.

The alliance system is what directly caused France, Germany, and Russia to get involved in World War I. Prior to the war, several European countries had formed alliances with each other as a means of protection. France had formed an alliance with Russia, known as the Franco-Russian Alliance, while Germany had formed an alliance with Austria-Hungary, known as the Central Powers. When Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia following the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the alliance system came into play. France and Russia felt obligated to support Serbia, and Germany felt obligated to support Austria-Hungary. Consequently, their involvement in the war was a result of the alliance obligations rather than any other direct cause such as unrestricted submarine warfare, food shortages, or economic problems.

The correct answer is C. the alliance system.

To understand how the alliance system directly caused France, Germany, and Russia to get involved in World War I, let's break it down step by step:

1. The alliance system: Before the outbreak of World War I, multiple countries in Europe formed alliances with each other. Two major alliances existed: the Triple Entente (consisting of France, Russia, and Britain) and the Central Powers (consisting of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy).

2. Tensions and rivalries: These alliances created a network of interconnected loyalties and obligations. When one country was threatened or attacked, its allies were bound to support and defend it. This system escalated tensions and rivalries between the two alliances.

3. Thirst for power and influence: Each country in the alliances had its own aspirations for power, influence, and territorial expansion. This desire for dominance played a significant role in their decision-making during the lead-up to the war.

4. The spark that ignited the conflict: The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary in June 1914 was the immediate trigger for the war. However, it was the alliance system that turned this isolated incident into a widespread conflict.

Here's how each country got involved:

- France: France had a defensive alliance with Russia and had longstanding rivalries with Germany. When Germany declared war on Russia and invaded Belgium (in violation of Belgian neutrality), France honored its alliance with Russia and declared war on Germany. They sought to protect the territorial integrity of their ally and defend themselves against German aggression.

- Germany: Germany, as part of the Central Powers alliance, declared war on France and Russia. They saw an opportunity to defeat their adversaries and establish dominance in Europe, particularly in the balance of power.

- Russia: Following Germany's declaration of war on Russia, Russia, as part of the Triple Entente alliance, mobilized its forces to defend against German aggression. Russia's involvement was motivated by its commitment to support its ally, France, and to protect its strategic interests in the Balkan region.

In summary, the alliance system directly caused France, Germany, and Russia to get involved in World War I. The defensive obligations and political aspirations of these countries, combined with the interconnected web of alliances, led to their entry into the war.