10. Why did the U.S. Senate refuse to ratify the Treaty of Versailles?

A. They did not want the U.S. to be obligated to fight in future wars.
B. They felt the treaty was too harsh on Germany.
C. They wanted more reparations for the U.S.
D. They didn’t want an alliance with France.

11. Under the mandate system, who gained control of German colonies in Africa?
A. U.S. and Britain
B. Russia and Britain
C. Belgium and France
D. Britain and France

10. A. They did not want the U.S. to be obligated to fight in future wars.

11. D. Britain and France gained control of German colonies in Africa under the mandate system.

To answer question 10, we need to consider the reasons why the U.S. Senate refused to ratify the Treaty of Versailles.

Option A states that the Senate did not want the U.S. to be obligated to fight in future wars. This is partially correct. The Senate, particularly the reservationists, argued that ratifying the treaty would undermine U.S. sovereignty by obligating the country to be a part of the League of Nations, which they believed could lead to future military involvement.

Option B suggests that the Senate felt the treaty was too harsh on Germany. This is true. Many senators believed that the reparations and territorial adjustments imposed on Germany by the treaty were overly punitive and could lead to future conflicts.

Option C suggests that the Senate wanted more reparations for the U.S. This is inaccurate. While some senators were concerned about securing reparations for the U.S., it was not a primary reason for their refusal to ratify the treaty.

Option D states that the Senate didn't want an alliance with France. While some senators were wary of the U.S. being drawn into alliances and conflicts, this particular option does not accurately capture the main reasons behind the Senate's rejection of the treaty.

Based on the above analysis, the most accurate answer to question 10 is A. They did not want the U.S. to be obligated to fight in future wars, combined with B. They felt the treaty was too harsh on Germany.

Moving on to question 11, under the mandate system, we need to determine which countries gained control of German colonies in Africa.

Option A suggests that the U.S. and Britain gained control. This is incorrect. The U.S. did not receive any German colonies in Africa, and Britain did not gain control of all the territories.

Option B suggests Russia and Britain. This is incorrect. Russia was not a participant in the mandate system, and Britain did not gain control over all the German colonies in Africa.

Option C suggests Belgium and France gained control. This is partially correct. Belgium was given control over Rwanda and Burundi, while France was granted mandates over Togo, Cameroon, and parts of present-day Tanzania, Rwanda, and Burundi.

Option D suggests Britain and France gained control. This is partially correct, as mentioned earlier. France gained control over several territories, and Britain was given mandates over German colonies in present-day Tanzania and parts of present-day Cameroon.

Considering the above information, the most accurate answer to question 11 is C. Belgium and France.

For question 10, the U.S. Senate refused to ratify the Treaty of Versailles primarily because:

A. They did not want the U.S. to be obligated to fight in future wars.

As for question 11, under the mandate system, control of German colonies in Africa was gained by:

C. Belgium and France.