7. Which of the following examples is a characteristic of total war?

A. The press is censored to control public opinion.
B. A stalemate bogs down the war for an extended time.
C. Factories scale back on production to save energy for the war effort.
D. Governments loosen economic controls.

A. The press is censored to control public opinion is a characteristic of total war. In total war, governments typically exercise greater economic, social, and political control over their populations, including control over the media, to ensure support for the war effort and suppress dissent.

To determine which of the given examples is a characteristic of total war, let's first understand what total war means. Total war is a concept that emerged during World War I and became prevalent during World War II. It refers to a type of warfare in which a nation mobilizes all its available resources, both military and civilian, to support the war effort. Total war involves the complete cooperation and participation of society in the conflict.

Now let's analyze each of the given options to identify the one that best aligns with the characteristic of total war:

A. The press is censored to control public opinion.
Censoring the press can be a characteristic of total war, as it aims to control public opinion and maintain a unified narrative that supports the war effort. However, it is not exclusive to total war and can occur in other contexts as well.

B. A stalemate bogs down the war for an extended time.
While a stalemate can occur during a total war, it is not a defining characteristic of total war itself. Stalemates can occur in various conflicts and are not specific to the concept of total war.

C. Factories scale back on production to save energy for the war effort.
Scaling back production in factories can indeed be considered a characteristic of total war. During total war, industries prioritize the production of war-related materials, such as weapons and ammunition. As a result, they may reduce production in other sectors to allocate resources to the war effort.

D. Governments loosen economic controls.
Loosening economic controls is generally not associated with total war. In fact, during total war, governments tend to increase economic controls to ensure the allocation of resources to the war effort. This allows for better management and coordination of the economy during the conflict.

Based on the analysis, the characteristic of total war among the given options is:

A. The press is censored to control public opinion.

However, it is essential to note that other characteristics, such as conscription, total mobilization, and significant civilian involvement, also define the concept of total war.

A. The press is censored to control public opinion.