What term describes a person that develops a chemical dependency on alcohol and their body doesn’t function without it

The term used to describe a person who develops a chemical dependency on alcohol and their body doesn’t function without it is alcohol dependence or alcoholism. Alcohol dependence is a chronic disease that is characterized by the person's inability to stop or reduce alcohol consumption despite its negative consequences on their health, personal relationships, and work.

The term that describes a person who develops a chemical dependency on alcohol and whose body does not function without it is "alcohol dependence" or "alcoholism."

Alcoholism is a complex disorder that involves physical and psychological dependence on alcohol. To understand how this term applies to someone, it is important to delve into the related factors. When a person regularly consumes alcohol, their body becomes accustomed to the presence of alcohol and adapts to its effects. Over time, the body develops tolerance, requiring larger amounts of alcohol to achieve the desired effects. This increased tolerance is a hallmark of alcohol dependence.

Physically, alcohol dependence can lead to withdrawal symptoms when a person tries to stop drinking or reduces their alcohol intake. These withdrawal symptoms can be severe and include tremors, sweating, anxiety, nausea, and hallucinations. The presence of these withdrawal symptoms is another indication of alcohol dependence.

Psychologically, alcohol dependence is characterized by a persistent desire or craving to drink alcohol, difficulty controlling alcohol consumption, and continued alcohol use despite negative consequences such as health issues, relationship problems, or work-related difficulties. These patterns of behavior demonstrate the grip that alcohol has on a person's life and their inability to function without it.

It is important to note that the term "alcoholism" or "alcohol dependence" is a medical and psychological term used to describe a specific condition. If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol dependence, it is advisable to seek professional help from a healthcare provider or addiction specialist who can provide appropriate guidance and support.

The term that describes a person who develops a chemical dependency on alcohol and their body doesn't function without it is alcohol dependence or alcoholism.