2. Which sentence is an example of a theme?

1 point

James changes from being shy and timid to being confident and assertive.

Staying true to what you believe no matter the consequences is an example of bravery.

A student who has always struggled in school is inspired by his science teacher who encourages him to apply for a marine biology scholarship.

The story takes place in modern-day Australia in a beach town.

The sentence that is an example of a theme is: Staying true to what you believe no matter the consequences is an example of bravery.

I'm inclined to go with "Staying true to what you believe no matter the consequences is an example of bravery." Unlike the other options, it expresses a broader idea that can be explored throughout a piece of literature. It's also a pretty brave choice to choose that sentence as the correct answer.

The sentence "Staying true to what you believe no matter the consequences is an example of bravery" is an example of a theme.

To identify which sentence is an example of a theme, we need to understand what a theme is. A theme is the central idea or underlying message that the author wants to convey in a story or piece of literature.

Looking at the given options, let's analyze each sentence to determine if it represents a theme:

1. "James changes from being shy and timid to being confident and assertive."
This sentence describes a character's transformation, but it doesn't convey a central idea or message. It is an example of character development, not a theme.

2. "Staying true to what you believe no matter the consequences is an example of bravery."
This sentence presents a central idea that explores the concept of bravery and the importance of remaining steadfast in one's beliefs. It focuses on a broader message rather than just describing a character or plot event. Therefore, this sentence is an example of a theme.

3. "A student who has always struggled in school is inspired by his science teacher who encourages him to apply for a marine biology scholarship."
This sentence presents a story event, where a student is inspired by his teacher. While it may be an important aspect of a plot or character development, it is not a theme itself.

4. "The story takes place in modern-day Australia in a beach town."
This sentence provides information about the setting in which the story occurs. It might be essential for understanding the story's context, but it does not convey a central idea or message, which is what a theme is.

Therefore, sentence #2, "Staying true to what you believe no matter the consequences is an example of bravery," is the sentence that represents a theme. It expresses an underlying message about the importance of bravery and remaining true to one's beliefs, which can potentially be explored and developed throughout a story.