1. Which of the following is a belief shared by Sunnis and Shias?

that only descendants of Muhammad should be caliph

that any righteous male Muslim can be chosen as caliph

that the Sunnah is the most important text of Islamic faith

that imams are divinely inspired Muslim leaders

are you right?

Yes, I am correct. The belief that the Sunnah is the most important text of Islamic faith is shared by both Sunnis and Shias.

Which factor helped spread Islam?

a) People were looking for new beliefs.
b) Rulers required residents to convert.
c) People found new ideas easier to follow.
d) Merchants carried the faith to new lands.

d) Merchants carried the faith to new lands.

Who did Shias think should succeed Muhammad?

a) one of the "rightly guided caliphs"
b) a relative of Muhammad
c) a member of the Umayyad dynasty
d) someone who had won many battles

b) a relative of Muhammad.

True or False: Blood cells carry nutrients from food to the rest of the cells in the body.


Which shows the correct order from most complex to least complex of organization within multicellular organisms?

1 point
organ → organ system → cell → organism → tissue
organism → organ system→ organ → tissue → cell
cell → tissue → organ → organ system → organism

organism → organ system → organ → tissue → cell