What ideas did Jesus teach his followers? Select the three correct answers..

to be kind and charitable

to believe in only one God

to be happy all the time

to reject the teachings of the Hebrew Bible

to attend church services on Sundays

to take care of those who could not care for themselves

A. to be kind and charitable

B. to believe in only one God
F. to take care of those who could not care for themselves

To determine the ideas that Jesus taught his followers, one can refer to the New Testament of the Bible, specifically the four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. These books contain the teachings and actions of Jesus. Let's analyze the options:

A. To be kind and charitable: Correct. Jesus emphasized the importance of showing love and compassion towards others, including acts of kindness and charity.

B. To believe in only one God: Correct. Jesus taught his followers to believe in and worship only one God, as monotheism was a central principle of Judaism, from which Jesus emerged.

C. To be happy all the time: Incorrect. While Jesus taught about finding joy and happiness in life, he also acknowledged suffering and trials as part of human existence.

D. To reject the teachings of the Hebrew Bible: Incorrect. Jesus did not teach his followers to reject the teachings of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), but rather to fulfill them and to emphasize love, mercy, and justice.

E. To attend church services on Sundays: Incorrect. As Jesus lived before the establishment of organized churches, he did not specifically command his followers to attend church services on Sundays or any other specific day.

F. To take care of those who could not care for themselves: Correct. Jesus taught his followers to show compassion towards the marginalized, including the poor, sick, widows, and orphans, encouraging them to care for those who could not care for themselves.

Therefore, the three correct answers are A. to be kind and charitable, B. to believe in only one God, and F. to take care of those who could not care for themselves.

The three correct answers are:

A. to be kind and charitable
B. to believe in only one God
F. to take care of those who could not care for themselves