Question 1 of 23

Which of the following is an example of how the United States countered Soviet influence in Asia and Africa?

established new democratic colonies in those area

enacted a boycott to any area wanting communism

sent aid to the colonial power to fight communism

attempted to make treaties with areas under communism to establish rights

C. sent aid to the colonial power to fight communism

The correct answer is D. The United States attempted to make treaties with areas under communism to establish rights as a way to counter Soviet influence in Asia and Africa.

To answer this question, we need to understand the context of the United States countering Soviet influence in Asia and Africa. During the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union were engaged in a geopolitical rivalry, often referred to as the "East-West divide." Both superpowers sought to expand their influence and ideology in different regions of the world.

In Asia and Africa, the United States implemented a policy known as containment, which aimed to prevent the spread of communism. The goal was to counter Soviet influence and support countries or movements that aligned with American interests and ideals.

Now, let's evaluate the answer choices based on this context:

A. Established new democratic colonies in those areas:
The United States did not establish new colonies anywhere during the Cold War. The concept of colonization was not part of its strategy.

B. Enacted a boycott to any area wanting communism:
While the United States implemented trade restrictions against Soviet-aligned countries during the Cold War, it did not enforce boycotts against entire areas simply because they wanted communism.

C. Sent aid to the colonial power to fight communism:
During the Cold War, the United States provided military and economic assistance to countries resisting Soviet influence, but this did not involve aiding colonial powers. Instead, the support was directed towards independent nations or movements opposing communist expansion.

D. Attempted to make treaties with areas under communism to establish rights:
The United States did engage in diplomatic efforts to negotiate with countries under communist rule, but primarily to reduce tensions and prevent conflict. Establishing rights or counteracting Soviet influence was not the primary objective.

Based on the provided answer choices, none of them accurately represent how the United States countered Soviet influence in Asia and Africa. It is important to note that the United States implemented various strategies and approaches during the Cold War to counter communist influence, including military alliances, diplomatic negotiations, economic aid, and covert operations.