an african elephant can run 15 mph write and equation using two variables to show the relationship between the how many hours the elephant runs

Let's use the variables 𝑑 and 𝑡, where 𝑑 represents the distance the elephant travels and 𝑡 represents the time it takes to travel that distance.

The formula for speed is:

𝑠 = 𝑑/𝑡

Here, 𝑠 represents the speed (in miles per hour), 𝑑 represents the distance traveled (in miles), and 𝑡 represents the time taken to travel that distance (in hours).

We know that the African elephant can run at a speed of 15 mph. So, we can plug in 𝑠 = 15 in the above equation and get:

15 = 𝑑/𝑡

To solve for 𝑑, we can multiply both sides by 𝑡:

𝑑 = 15𝑡

So, the equation that shows the relationship between the distance the elephant travels and the time it takes to travel that distance is 𝑑 = 15𝑡.

Its r = 15d (On the practice)

Let's use the variables "d" to represent the distance the elephant runs and "t" to represent the time (in hours) it takes for the elephant to run that distance.

Since we know that the African elephant can run at a speed of 15 mph, we can use the equation:

Speed = Distance / Time

Plugging in the given values, we have:

15 mph = d / t

To find an equation that shows the relationship between the distance the elephant runs and the time it takes to run that distance, we can rearrange this equation:

d = 15 mph * t

So the equation relating the distance (d) the elephant runs to the time (t) is:

d = 15t

To write an equation showing the relationship between the number of hours the elephant runs and its speed, we can use the formula:

Distance = Speed x Time

- Distance is measured in miles,
- Speed is measured in miles per hour (mph), and
- Time is measured in hours.

In this case, we know that the African elephant can run at a speed of 15 mph. So, let's use "D" to represent the distance covered by the elephant, and "t" to represent the number of hours it runs:

D = 15t

This equation states that the distance covered (D) by the African elephant is equal to its speed (15 mph) multiplied by the number of hours (t) it runs.