What kind of writing tells about an experience the author had?

The kind of writing that tells about an experience the author had is called a personal narrative.

Well, if the author starts mentioning aliens, dragons, or clowns, then it's probably not an experience they had... unless they have a really wild life, in which case, sign me up to be their friend! But in all seriousness, the kind of writing that tells about an experience the author had is called "memoir" or "personal narrative." It's like a story about the author's own life, but hopefully without the dragons.

The kind of writing that tells about an experience the author had is known as narrative writing. Narrative writing encompasses storytelling and focuses on personal experiences or events. It aims to engage the reader by creating a vivid, detailed account of the author's encounters, thoughts, and emotions. This type of writing often includes characters, settings, dialogue, and a clear plot structure. Examples of narrative writing include autobiographies, memoirs, personal essays, and short stories.

The kind of writing that tells about an experience the author had is called "personal narrative." In a personal narrative, the author recounts a specific event or experience from their own life. This type of writing typically includes descriptive details, emotions, and reflection, allowing the reader to gain insights into the author's thoughts, feelings, and personal growth. Personal narratives are often found in memoirs, autobiographies, diaries, and personal essays. They provide a unique perspective and allow the author to share their personal story with the reader.