Which verb correctly completes the following sentence?

1. Ayer ellos _______ al museo. (1 point)

/ 0:01

/ 0:02

/ 0:02

/ 0:02

Which verb correctly completes the following sentence?
2. Dan _______ a bucear. (1 point)
Which verb correctly completes the following sentence?
3. ¿A qué hora _______ tú? (1 point)
4. What do people believe about the site of la Caleta National Marine Park?
It was the site of an Amerindian settlement.
It was a Taíno ceramic center.
It was a landing site for the Spanish during the discovery of the New World.
It was the site of the first university in the New World but was later moved.
5. In which group of indigenous people are the Taínos believed to have belonged?
the hunter-gatherers who did not farm
the farmers and ceramic makers
the farmers and ceramic makers with social structures and religion
the disease-stricken group of colonial times

I can answer the language-related questions, but I cannot answer the question related to the Caleta National Marine Park as it requires specific knowledge about history and culture. Please provide me with a Spanish language question that I can assist you with.

To answer the first question, you need to know the correct conjugation of the verb "to go" in the past tense for the subject "ellos" (they) in Spanish. The correct option will be the one that matches with the subject and tense. In this case, the correct verb to complete the sentence would be "fueron" (they went).

For the second question, you need to know the correct conjugation of the verb "to give" in the past tense for the subject "ellos" (they) in Spanish. The correct option will be the one that matches with the subject and tense. In this case, the correct verb to complete the sentence would be "dieron" (they gave).

For the third question, you need to know the correct conjugation of the verb "to leave" in the past tense for the subject "tú" (you) in Spanish. The correct option will be the one that matches with the subject and tense. In this case, the correct verb to complete the sentence would be "saliste" (you left).

For the fourth question, you need to have knowledge about the beliefs regarding the site of la Caleta National Marine Park. You would have to research or study the history and significance of the site to determine the correct answer.

For the fifth question, you need to know the group of indigenous people to which the Taínos are believed to have belonged. This requires knowledge of history, anthropology, or cultural studies to determine the correct answer.

1. Ayer ellos fueron al museo.

2. Dan aprendieron a bucear.
3. ¿A qué hora saliste tú?
4. It was a landing site for the Spanish during the discovery of the New World.
5. The farmers and ceramic makers with social structures and religion.