What are the name of scientists that study anatomy?


A. Anatomist.

The scientists who study anatomy are called anatomists (Option A). Biologists may also study anatomy as part of their broader study of living organisms, but anatomists specifically focus on the structure and organization of the body. Astronomers, on the other hand, study celestial objects and phenomena in space, which is not directly related to anatomy.

The correct answer is A. Anatomist.

To determine the correct answer to this question, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by understanding what anatomy is. Anatomy is the study of the structure and organization of living organisms, including humans.
2. Identify the scientists who would specialize in studying the human body's structure and organization. These scientists focus on the anatomical structure of different biological organisms.
3. Analyze the choices provided:
- A. Anatomist: Anatomists specialize in the study of anatomy and focus on understanding the structure and organization of living organisms' bodies.
- B. Biologists: While biologists study living organisms, not all biologists specifically focus on anatomy. Biologists study a broad range of topics, including genetics, evolution, ecology, and more.
- C. Astronomer: Astronomers study celestial objects, such as stars, planets, galaxies, and the universe, rather than the anatomical structures of living organisms.

Therefore, the correct choice is A. Anatomist, as these scientists are the ones who study anatomy.