Which of the following was a result of censorship during the Renaissance?

Writers stopped publishing controversial works.

The church banned the publication of anything but Bibles.

Authors changed their work before it was published.

The church became more lenient in its views.

C. Authors changed their work before it was published.

C. Authors changed their work before it was published.

To determine which of the options was a result of censorship during the Renaissance, it is helpful to understand the purpose of censorship and its effects on literature. Censorship during this period was mainly driven by the Catholic Church, which sought to control and restrict the content of books that were being published. This was done to maintain the authority and influence of the Church and to prevent the spread of controversial or dissenting ideas that could challenge its power.

Option A states that writers stopped publishing controversial works. While it is true that some writers may have chosen not to publish such works to avoid conflict with the Church, this option does not directly address the impact of censorship.

Option B suggests that the Church banned the publication of anything but Bibles. While the Church did have a significant influence over what was published, it did not completely prohibit the publication of works other than Bibles. This option, therefore, does not accurately reflect the result of censorship during the Renaissance.

Option C claims that authors changed their work before it was published. This option is consistent with the practice of self-censorship, where authors modified their writings to conform to the expectations and guidelines set by the Church. This practice was common during the Renaissance, as writers sought to avoid censorship and punishment.

Option D suggests that the Church became more lenient in its views as a result of censorship. However, censorship during the Renaissance was characterized by stricter control and regulation of published materials, rather than increased leniency.

Therefore, the correct answer is option C: Authors changed their work before it was published, which reflects the result of censorship during the Renaissance.