Which scenario correctly illustrates heat?(1 point)


cold person gets even colder when they sit in a sauna with a temperature of 105° F
cold person gets even colder when they sit in a sauna with a temperature of 105° F

ice in a cold glass of water remains ice and never melts
ice in a cold glass of water remains ice and never melts

cold person’s hands get warmer by holding a rock that has been sitting in the sun
cold person’s hands get warmer by holding a rock that has been sitting in the sun

bathtub full of hot water gets even warmer in a cold room
bathtub full of hot water gets even warmer in a cold room

The scenario that correctly illustrates heat is: Cold person’s hands get warmer by holding a rock that has been sitting in the sun.

The correct scenario that illustrates heat is:

bathtub full of hot water gets even warmer in a cold room

Because let's face it, cold water taking a relaxing bath in a hot room just doesn't have the same effect.

The correct scenario that illustrates heat is: A cold person’s hands get warmer by holding a rock that has been sitting in the sun.

The correct scenario that illustrates heat is: "cold person’s hands get warmer by holding a rock that has been sitting in the sun."

Heat is the transfer of thermal energy from a hotter object to a cooler object. In this case, the cold person's hands are colder than the rock that has been sitting in the sun. When the person holds the rock, heat is transferred from the warmer rock to the colder hands, resulting in the hands feeling warmer. This is an example of heat transfer through conduction.