Which statement best describes why modern horses look the way they do?(1 point)


Aspects of horse anatomy evolved over millions of years to suit their environment.
Aspects of horse anatomy evolved over millions of years to suit their environment.

Aspects of horse anatomy evolved over hundreds of years to suit their environment.
Aspects of horse anatomy evolved over hundreds of years to suit their environment.

Aspects of horse anatomy evolved within a generation to suit their environment.
Aspects of horse anatomy evolved within a generation to suit their environment.

Aspects of horse anatomy evolved within a few generations to suit their environment.

The statement that best describes why modern horses look the way they do is "Aspects of horse anatomy evolved over millions of years to suit their environment."

The correct answer is: "Aspects of horse anatomy evolved over millions of years to suit their environment."

To understand why modern horses look the way they do, we need to consider the process of evolution. Evolution is a gradual change in the inherited characteristics of a population over time. It occurs through the process of natural selection, where certain traits that provide an advantage for survival and reproduction become more common in a population.

In the case of horses, their anatomy has evolved over millions of years to suit their environment. This means that certain characteristics and physical features have been favored and passed on from generation to generation because they help horses thrive in their specific habitats. These adaptations could include things like strong legs for running, a long neck for grazing, or specialized teeth for eating grasses.

It is important to note that evolution typically occurs over long periods of time, involving many generations. Therefore, the idea that horse anatomy evolved within a few generations or within a single generation is unlikely. Evolution is a slow, gradual process that takes place over millions of years.

The statement that best describes why modern horses look the way they do is that aspects of horse anatomy evolved over millions of years to suit their environment.