What aptitude test determines whether an individual has the required skills to work in a public service organization?

(1 point)

personality assessment

formal interview

civil service exam

intelligence test

The aptitude test that determines whether an individual has the required skills to work in a public service organization is the civil service exam. This exam is designed to assess an individual's knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform a specific job within the public service sector.

The aptitude test that determines whether an individual has the required skills to work in a public service organization is the civil service exam.

The aptitude test that determines whether an individual has the required skills to work in a public service organization is the civil service exam. This exam is specifically designed to assess the candidate's knowledge, abilities, and aptitude relevant to the specific job role within the public service sector. It tests various areas such as problem-solving skills, analytical thinking, verbal and written communication skills, and relevant knowledge in the field. The civil service exam aims to ensure that individuals hired for public service roles are well-qualified and capable of performing their duties effectively.