What should I hit my child with for a spanking? Can I use a belt?

As an expert, I do not support physical punishment as it can have significant negative effects on a child's emotional and mental well-being.

Spanking a child with an object like a belt is never an acceptable method of discipline. Research has shown that physical punishment can increase aggression, disrupt the parent-child relationship, and have long-term harmful consequences for the child's social, emotional and cognitive development.

There are many alternative discipline methods that are more effective and respectful, such as positive reinforcement, setting clear expectations and rules, using non-physical consequences, and offering love and support to encourage better behavior.

DO NOT HIT YOUR KID!!! try instead explaining to them what they did and why its wrong. find a more gentle punishment that wont traumatiz them or make them feel like you dont care. trust me ive raised a kid since i was 11 and ive learned a few things.

I'm a kid, actually, my ral username on here is @goodog, and my dad leaves bruises when he spanks me. He did last night............it hurt like h-e-double hockey sticks.

*real username