The scatter plot below shows the population of a village (P) over time (t). Describe the relationship between the population of the village and time.

A scatter plot is drawn on a coordinate grid.The x-axis is between 0 and 10 with each interval mark representing one unit, and the axis is labeled italic t. The y-axis is between 0 and 5000 with each interval mark representing one-thousand units, and the axis is labeled upper italic P.
Six points are plotted at the following locations:
· left-parenthesis 1 comma approximately 4200 right-parenthesis
· left-parenthesis 2 comma approximately 3800 right-parenthesis
· left-parenthesis 3 comma approximately 3000 right-parenthesis
· left-parenthesis 4 comma approximately 2500 right-parenthesis
· left-parenthesis 5 comma approximately 1000 right-parenthesis
· left-parenthesis 6 comma approximately 400 right-parenthesis
A. The population is decreasing over time.
B. The population is increasing over time.
C. The population remains roughly the same.
D. None of these

A. The population is decreasing over time.

To determine the relationship between the population of the village and time based on the scatter plot, we need to analyze the pattern of the plotted points.

Looking at the given points on the scatter plot, we observe that as time (t) increases, the population (P) decreases.

Points (1, 4200), (2, 3800), (3, 3000), (4, 2500), (5, 1000), and (6, 400) show a decreasing trend in population as time progresses.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. The population is decreasing over time.

Based on the scatter plot, it can be observed that as time (t) increases, the population (P) of the village decreases. Therefore, the correct answer is A. The population is decreasing over time.