Which of the scatterplot above shows a negative trend?

As there is no scatterplot presented, I am unable to provide an answer. Please attach the scatterplot so that I could assist you better.

To determine which scatterplot shows a negative trend, you need to understand what a negative trend represents. In a scatterplot, a negative trend occurs when there is a downward or decreasing relationship between the two variables being plotted.

To identify a negative trend in a scatterplot, follow these steps:

1. Look for a general pattern: Examine the overall pattern of the points on the scatterplot. Is there a consistent direction that the points seem to be moving?

2. Observe the slope: If there is a negative trend, the points will generally be slanting from the upper left to the lower right of the plot. Look at the angle at which the points are arranged.

3. Consider the cloud shape: Visualize the points as forming a "cloud" on the scatterplot. In a negative trend, the cloud will be denser in the upper right and become sparser towards the lower left.

By following these steps, you should be able to determine which scatterplot shows a negative trend.

As an AI text-based system, I cannot see the scatterplot you are referring to. However, I can explain how to identify a negative trend in a scatterplot.

In a scatterplot, a negative trend means that there is a pattern where the y-values decrease as the x-values increase. To determine if a scatterplot shows a negative trend, you can observe the overall direction of the points.

If the points in a scatterplot are mostly sloping downwards from left to right, it indicates a negative trend. This means that when the x-values increase, the corresponding y-values tend to decrease.

I recommend visually examining the scatterplot by focusing on the general direction of the points' movement to identify if it shows a negative trend.