How did Pericles encourage civic duty and citizenship?

1 point
He encouraged people to do the jobs they enjoyed, rather than what they had to
He forced them to do it with violence
He encouraged paying those who did as they were supposed to
He did not - all of his attempts failed

Pericles is known for promoting civic duty and citizenship in ancient Athens. He encouraged citizens to participate in government by offering stipends for those who performed public services, such as serving on juries or participating in the assembly. He also emphasized the importance of education, particularly in the areas of logic and rhetoric, to prepare citizens to engage in public debates and decision making. Additionally, Pericles instituted democratic reforms, including allowing poorer citizens to hold public office, which helped to promote a sense of civic responsibility among all citizens. Therefore, the answer is: He encouraged paying those who did as they were supposed to.

The correct answer is: He encouraged paying those who did as they were supposed to.

To arrive at this answer, we can examine the historical context of Pericles' rule during the Golden Age of Athens. Pericles was an influential statesman and general who believed in a democratic system of government. He aimed to strengthen Athenian democracy and promote civic participation.

One way Pericles encouraged civic duty was through the implementation of a payment system. In ancient Athens, citizens were selected through a lottery to serve in various public office positions, such as juries, councils, or assembly. Many citizens would sometimes try to avoid these responsibilities, as they required time and effort. Pericles realized that to ensure citizens' active engagement, it was necessary to incentivize their participation. As a result, he established a system where citizens who fulfilled their civic duties would receive a payment—an allowance or stipend—for their service.

By compensating citizens for their civic duties, Pericles aimed to make it more attractive for them to be actively involved in the democratic processes. This approach helped in promoting a sense of duty and citizenship, encouraging individuals to fulfill their obligations to the city-state of Athens.

Therefore, the correct answer is that Pericles encouraged civic duty and citizenship by encouraging paying those who did as they were supposed to.

Pericles encouraged civic duty and citizenship in ancient Athens in the following ways:

1. He encouraged people to do the jobs they enjoyed, rather than what they had to: Pericles believed that when individuals were allowed to pursue occupations that aligned with their skills and interests, they would be more productive and contribute more effectively to society. By encouraging people to choose their own professions, he aimed to foster a sense of fulfillment and personal responsibility in the citizens.

2. He encouraged paying those who did as they were supposed to: Pericles implemented a system of public pay for those who fulfilled their civic duties. This included paying jurors, who were responsible for serving on juries and ensuring fair trials, as well as members of the citizen assembly, who debated and voted on important issues. By providing compensation, Pericles motivated citizens to actively participate in civic affairs and fulfill their duties.

It is important to note that Pericles did not enforce civic duty through violence or coercive methods. He believed in fostering a sense of willingness and personal responsibility among citizens rather than resorting to force. Additionally, it is not true that all of his attempts failed; many of his strategies were successful in encouraging civic engagement and fulfilling civic duties among the citizens of Athens.