The long distance navigational skills of the Polynesian eventually led to the?

The long distance navigational skills of the Polynesians eventually led to the settlement of the remote islands in the Pacific Ocean including Hawaii, New Zealand, and Easter Island. The Polynesians were able to use their navigational skills, such as studying the stars, waves, winds, and ocean currents to travel across vast distances of open waters and establish new settlements.

The long distance navigational skills of the Polynesians eventually led to the settlement and exploration of the islands of the Pacific Ocean. They were able to navigate vast distances across the open ocean using only their knowledge of celestial navigation, wave patterns, and other natural cues. Through their voyages, the Polynesians were able to discover and inhabit islands such as Hawaii, New Zealand, Fiji, and Easter Island, among many others. Their navigational prowess also allowed them to establish trade networks, share cultural and technological knowledge, and shape the Polynesian identity and way of life.